
Promoting a Resilient and Inclusive Private Sector in Fragile Contexts – A case study of Sierra Leone by Intellecap

To showcase business and investment opportunities in fragile countries, there is a need to bridge the knowledge gap & create an opportunity mapping. There is still very limited information available on the social entrepreneurship and impact investing ecosystems in fragile countries. More so, in-depth mappings on the various sectors and stakeholders involved are almost non-existent. Through the provision of key data points and insights, this can shed light on the investment opportunities in these countries. Although private sector investments are currently low in these fragile countries, their economies are growing and ripe for anyone willing to take the risk to invest.
This research report seeks to provide insights into the current state of the impact investing and entrepreneurship ecosystem in Sierra Leone and recommendations on impact investment models and ecosystem building strategies to build a resilient and inclusive private sector in Sierra Leone . The report maps the activities of a diverse pool of impact investors across Sierra Leone and highlights opportunities to increase the impact of capital flowing into the private sector. It also provides an assessment of the stakeholders requiring impact capital, such as social enterprises, and the ecosystem enablers in the impact investment sector. This report is one of a series of three; focusing on fragile and transition countries in Africa, with the other two being on Mozambique and Somalia.