
Gender and Microfinance in Myanmar: A Report by IFC Myanmar in collaboration with Intellecap

IFC’s Gender and Economic Inclusion Group and Financial Institutions Group mandated Intellecap to understand the current gender gaps in the microfinance sector in Myanmar and to suggest possible actions to increase gender equality for MFI employees and clients.
As part of this study, Intellecap analyzed gender gaps in the current landscape of the microfinance sector in Myanmar for employees and clients of MFIs.The study contains findings from a survey of over 1,600 employees from eight leading microfinance institutions in Myanmar, as well as interviews with over 450 women microfinance clients. It sought to examine the gender dynamics in the Myanmar microfinance industry, and outline the opportunity for the sector to more effectively meet the needs of women both as clients and employees.
The findings identify the opportunity for the sector to better tailor products and services to meet the needs of women clients who make up about 60 percent of microfinance borrowers in the country. It also outlines how making the microfinance sector more gender inclusive has the potential to deliver multiple benefits, including improving the safety and comfort of both women and men employees at work; establishing an equal opportunity culture which encourages more women to become part of leadership; and helping to attract and retain talent.