Towards Gender Inclusive Investing Practices

Towards Gender Inclusive Investing practices
Co-Design Sprint in India by MIT D-Lab and Intellecap
Supported by ANDE
We invite you to attend this co-design sprint. Please register by clicking here.
Despite the growing momentum around Gender Lens Investing (GLI) — investing that can simultaneously generate financial return and advance gender parity — interested fund managers have limited options when it comes to finding the support that they need for embedding gender smart practices across their investment cycle, from deal sourcing to exit.
How can we support investors with gender inclusive investing ambitions to develop actionable strategies and measurable outcomes?
MIT D-Lab and Intellecap are convening a group of investors, entrepreneurs and gender impact actors working in the Indian market, to identify, and create solutions for key roadblocks they face in implementing gender inclusive practices in their organizations. The themes of the Co-Design workshop will be:
– Improving deal sourcing to bring in more female-led and gender-forward businesses
– Recognizing, eliminating bias in screening and due diligence processes
– Tracking & using gender impact data in investment portfolios
MIT D-Lab works with people around the world to develop and advance collaborative approaches and practical solutions to global poverty challenges.
Intellecap is the advisory arm of The Aavishkaar Group, which works to build businesses that can benefit the underserved segments across Asia and Africa.
In a highly interactive 5-part workshop series, impact investors will with work in teams to learn, imagine and prototype solutions to their gender smart investing roadblocks. Each workshop will provide participants the opportunities to deepen their understanding around a particular theme, generate innovative ideas, exchange best practices, and connect with a community of gender smart investing leaders.
– Equity investors who are based in India or are deploying significant funds in the country and want to prioritize gender to drive impact.
– Female and/or gender-forward entrepreneurs
– Gender, investment experts and ecosystem actors who can offer unique insights and perspectives on gender smart investing.
Interested in joining us for the India gender smart workshop series?
To ensure high quality productive workshops, attendance numbers will be limited for each workshop.
For more information about the workshop, please reach out to Jona Repishti at
Valuing where and how women participate in a business as a material factor of consideration in investment-decision making and portfolio management. Specifically, we refer to gender smart investments as those that support businesses that are:
– Are led by a female founder and/or leadership team
– Offer a product or service that improve the lives of women and girls
– Promote workplace equity (in staffing, management, boardroom representation, and along their supply chains)