
9th Sankalp Global Summit : Post Event Report

The Sustainable Development Goals have mobilized companies,
governments and civil society in a cross-sector collaborative
manner that we have never seen before. But the question
remains: will we attain the SDGs by 2030? Importantly, what
impact will they have on quality of life for those currently lacking
access to basic needs? Can quality of life become a human right
with social defaults that ensure physical and mental well-being?
What are the choices that we must make today to ensure this?

At this year’s Sankalp Global Summit, held on December 7-8,
2017 in Mumbai, we set out to answer some of these important
questions. The conference theme focused on issues around
“Social Defaults”, the notion that we must deliberately work to
ensure all people are guaranteed access to education, health,
food, and good work as foundational human rights.